Multiple Values from a Single Source

If you want to load multiple values from a single source, you can use the multiple = true flag. This will tell env-select to expect a mapping of VARIABLE=value as output from the value source, with one entry per line. Whitespace lines and anything preceded by a # will be ignored (this is the standard .env file format).

This means that the key associated with this entry in the variables map will be ignored.

DATABASE = "dev"
creds = {type = "file", path = "creds.env", multiple = true}



creds will now be expanded into multiple variables:

> es run db dev -- printenv

Notice the creds key never appears in the environment; this is just a placeholder. You can use any key you want here.

Filtering Loaded Values

If you want to load only some values from a source, you can filter which are loaded by passing a list of variables to multiple. This is useful in scenarios where you dump an entire environment. For example:

DATABASE = "dev"
creds = {type = "command", command = "ssh me@remote printenv", multiple = ["DB_USER", "DB_PASSWORD"]}

This will only load the DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD variables:

> es run db dev -- printenv